profilanex Admin replied

296 weeks ago

Detective Chinatown 2 Movie Free Download Hd

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a5c7b9f00b Tang and Qin team up to solve a murder in New York's Chinatown.
The first hour was pure fun perfectly balancing the comedy and the mystery the next half hour dragged a bit when it tried to look serious but instead kind of looked stupid and the last hour was quite ridiculous. Even with all of that and a string of jokes that just uses stereotypes it was superfun with great 2 lead performances.
The editing, cinematography, and soundtrack are top-notch, and Wang Baoqiang's high pitch line delivery simply shows why he is the best actor of his generation and one of the biggest comedy stars in China. The screenplay is however a mess and the plot lacks any sense of credibility. Chen Sicheng just put everything together, and in the end you do not know what was exactly happening. All in all, this is a sequel that cannot match the original movie in 2015.
The pace is quick, very quick by American standards. The script blasts through reams of plot with lightning dialogue, and even if you have a fast eye for subtitles you may come to the end of the movie with no clear idea what happened.

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